It’s no secret that nutrition significantly affects our physical health. The body is a fantastic self-repairing machine, but it needs the raw materials necessary to heal itself. Creating the right physical conditions may help the body reverse neuropathy if you start early enough.
What Is Neuropathy?
Peripheral neuropathy is nerve damage that causes tingling, pain, or numbness in arms, legs, hands, or feet. Trauma, nutritional deficiencies, diabetes, alcoholism, and chemotherapy medications are among the primary causes. The severity of symptoms and how much healing is possible will depend on the underlying cause, how long the patient has had the condition, and how dedicated they are to the recovery process. A multipronged approach to neuropathy treatment will maximize its overall success.
Supplement Solutions
As we review some of the most powerful nutrients that may be included in a neuropathy treatment program, please remember that vitamins and herbs may interact with each other or with other medications.
Also, while some nutrients are water soluble, meaning all extra material flushes out of your body through urine, others are fat soluble and remain in the body. The fat-soluble nutrients can become toxic if you get too much in your system.
It is extremely rare for a nutrient overdose to be fatal, but it can cause problems like nausea, diarrhea, constipation, rashes, and nerve damage.
Please ensure your treatment team knows all medications (prescribed or over the counter), vitamins, and supplements you are taking, so they can help you create the safest and most effective neuropathy treatment regimen possible.
“Essential vitamins and minerals” are nutrients your body needs to function correctly but cannot produce for itself. They must be a regular part of your diet to keep your body working the way it should.
B vitamins support healthy nervous system function. A deficiency in these essential vitamins can cause peripheral neuropathy.
- B1– Also known as thiamine, this nutrient lowers inflammation in the body, reduces pain, and protects your cells. (Note: Excessive alcohol use can deplete B1.)
- B6– In proper doses, B6 protects the myelin covering on nerve endings. However, an overdose of B6 can harm the covering, causing nerve damage. Supplementing B6 with the guidance of your doctor can help you maintain optimal levels of this vitamin in your body.
- B12– Vitamin B12 is vital for the production of red blood cells. A deficiency in this vitamin can lead to low levels of these oxygen-carrying cells. Less red blood cells and less oxygen in the blood means nerve cells do not have the vital nourishment they need to function well.
A properly balanced vitamin B complex supplement, or a diet with optimal B vitamin levels, will work to repair damaged nerves, regenerate nerve tissue, and improve nerve function.
Vitamin D is a vitamin your body makes when your skin gets exposed to sunlight. If you live in areas that don’t get enough sun or work in an office all day, your body can deplete its vitamin D resources. Low vitamin D can cause neuropathy, while proper doses prevent or lessen neuropathy symptoms.
Other nutritional supplements have also proven effective in helping to relieve symptoms of peripheral neuropathy.
Alpha-lipoic Acid lowers blood sugar levels which are especially helpful in treating diabetes-related neuropathy. It may also lessen neuropathy symptoms, improve nerve conductivity, and prevent oxidative nerve damage. Alpha-lipoic acid requires an adequate supply of Vitamin B1, or it can become toxic. If you are an alcoholic, have your B1 levels checked before taking this supplement.
NAC, or N-acetyl Cysteine, treats diabetic neuropathy by helping nerves heal and preventing nerve cell death. It also improves motor coordination, which can prevent patients from dangerous falls.
Acetyl-L-carnitine increases energy levels, reduces pain, and creates healthy nerve cells.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids found in abundance in fish oil are anti-inflammatory, reduce pain, slow the progression of nerve damage, repair damaged nerves by stimulating regrowth, and may even reverse diabetic neuropathy.
How Should You Take Supplements, And Where To Buy Them?
First, it is highly important to discuss adding these supplements to your daily routine with a qualified chiropractor, medical doctor, or nutritionist who can advise you if your current medications or supplements will interact negatively with the one you plan to try.
In addition, your doctor or chiropractor will be able to recommend safe and effective doses and tell you if you can take the supplements all the time or if you should take them on a schedule. If you are deficient in a particular element, your doctor may suggest you take a higher dose in the beginning.
To Sum Up
Science makes discoveries in physical, medicinal, and supplemental treatments every year. Be open to new options, but involve your treatment team in decisions regarding what you take so they can help you get the most out of your care. If you have peripheral neuropathy, you have options. Ensuring your body has the right nutrients to protect and heal your nerves can be a vital piece of the puzzle.
The information, including but not limited to, texts, graphics, images, and other material contained in this article are for informational purposes only. None of the material mentioned is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new care regimen. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in this article.
Nutrition is vital for overall health, especially in managing neuropathy, a condition causing nerve damage and symptoms like tingling and pain. Adequate vitamin D, obtained from sunlight or supplements, is crucial. Supplements, including B vitamins and others like Alpha-lipoic Acid, can help. Consult healthcare professionals for safe supplement use, involving your treatment team for guidance.