What are Some Stretching or Exercise Routines That Effectively Alleviate Cramps in Individuals With Neuropathy?

Living with the daily symptoms of neuropathy can be challenging. The constant cramps make it difficult to partake in activities and concentrate on anything other than the pain. If you experience these intense cramps, you’re probably willing to try anything to alleviate them. Keep reading to learn some stretches and exercise routines that might help with those cramps that make you stop in your tracks.
Dr. Kevin Huffman

Dr. Kevin Huffman

CEO and Founder of .

Targeted Gentle Stretching

An effective regimen I advocate entails targeted gentle stretching for the afflicted limbs. I advise my patients to perform stretches—such as calf stretches, hamstring stretches, and wrist flexor stretches—to increase flexibility; enhance blood flow; and reduce cramp intensity, holding each position for 30 seconds to a minute and repeating them multiple times throughout the day. This is particularly important before bedtime when cramps often intensify.

Yoga and Moderate Aerobic Exercises

Yoga stands out as a holistic approach to fostering flexibility, strength, and improved circulation. It emphasizes balance and leg strength and offers particular benefits. Incorporating moderate aerobic activities like walking or swimming can enhance overall muscle function, potentially mitigating cramping. Individuals must heed their body’s signals and avoid overexertion, which could exacerbate symptoms.

Calum Fraser

Calum Fraser

CEO & Owner of
Dr. Alex Tauberg

Dr. Alex Tauberg

Neurodynamic Stretching

It essentially takes the nerves through the range of motion to help to desensitize them. Neurodynamics stretching is also called nerve flossing. Some of the most common neurodynamic exercises that I will recommend includes sciatic nerve flossing, median nerve flossing, femoral nerve flossing, [and] radial nerve flossing. The idea is to take the irritated nerve stretches all the way and then relax on the stretch. This helps to desensitize the area.

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