What causes peripheral neuropathy symptoms to worsen at night and what can you do about it?

When your head finally hits the pillow at the end of the day, the last thing you want is to lie awake because of your neuropathy pain. Ever wonder why you experience more pain at night or what you can do to reduce your pain and sleep better? Keep reading to find out what some readers suggest.

Dr. Hisham Khan

Dr. Hisham Khan

Board Certified Anesthesiologist and Pain Management Doctor at .

Changes in Body Temperature, Body Position, and Fewer Distractions

Peripheral neuropathy symptoms can worsen at night time because of changes in body temperature, body positions, and fewer distractions. Cooler temperatures at night can lead to more sensitized nerves and being in certain positions for a prolonged period can lead to more pressure on the nerves. Also, with fewer distractions at night, people tend to focus more on their pain.

Peripheral neuropathy is treated by identifying the underlying cause. Symptoms can be controlled with exercise, vitamins, controlling diabetes, quitting smoking, cutting alcohol, and certain nerve medications.

Dr. Jennifer Silver

Dr. Jennifer Silver

Dentist and Owner of .

Nerve Compression and Temperature Sensitivity

Circulation and fluid accumulation
Fluid can accumulate in the lower extremities throughout the day, increasing nerve pressure. When lying down at night, the redistribution of fluid can further compress the nerves, exacerbating neuropathic symptoms. Elevating the legs or using compression stockings daily can help reduce fluid accumulation and alleviate nighttime symptoms.

Sleep position and nerve compression
Certain sleep positions, particularly those that involve pressure on the affected limbs or nerves, can aggravate neuropathic symptoms. For example, lying on the stomach with the arms or legs bent can compress the nerves and worsen pain or tingling. Experimenting with different sleep positions, such as sleeping on your back with a pillow to support the legs or using body pillows for proper alignment, may help relieve nighttime symptoms.

Temperature sensitivity
Some individuals with peripheral neuropathy experience increased sensitivity to temperature changes. Cooler temperatures at night can intensify neuropathic pain or discomfort. Ensure your sleep environment is comfortable, and consider using blankets or heating pads to provide warmth and alleviate symptoms.

Dr. Thanu Jey

Dr. Thanu Jey

Medical Director or Founder at .

5 Reasons Neuropathy Symptoms are Worse at Night

What causes peripheral neuropathy symptoms to worsen at night?
Peripheral neuropathy symptoms may worsen at night because of multiple reasons:

    1. Reduced distractions.
    2. Change in the flow of blood.
    3. Increased sensitivity to stimuli.
    4. Fluid accumulation in extremities.
    5. Pain or discomfort in affected areas.

How to prevent them?
Some ways to potentially prevent the worsening peripheral neuropathy symptoms at night are:

    ● Make sure to wear stockings to improve the flow of blood.
    ● Elevate your legs; doing this can help you to feel relaxed and calm.
    ● Focus on good sleep hygiene; this can help prevent this problem and relieve the patient.
    ● Use a comfortable and soft pillow and mattress because it ensures excellent and deep sleep, which is essential for every human being.
Farhan Advani

Farhan Advani

Co-Founder at .

Heightened Sensitivity and Changes in Body Position

Symptoms often worsen at night due to various factors. Heightened sensitivity, decreased distractions, and changes in body position can amplify pain and discomfort. Establish a bedtime routine that includes relaxation techniques like gentle stretching, warm baths, or meditation to prevent worsening symptoms.

Maintaining a consistent sleep schedule and optimizing your sleep environment with comfortable bedding and temperature control can help alleviate nighttime discomfort. Consulting with a healthcare professional for personalized advice is crucial for managing peripheral neuropathy symptoms effectively.

Billy Parker

Billy Parker

Director at .

The Body Circadian Rhythm Can Increase Sensitivity

Peripheral neuropathy is a condition caused by damage to the peripheral nerves, which are the nerves that carry information from the brain and spinal cord to the rest of the body. This damage can cause pain, numbness, tingling, and other symptoms.

The symptoms of peripheral neuropathy can worsen at night due to various factors. One of the most common causes is the body’s natural circadian rhythm, which is a 24-hour cycle that regulates the body’s sleep-wake process. During the night, the body’s natural circadian rhythm can cause the body to be more sensitive to pain, leading to increased symptoms.

To prevent the worsening of symptoms at night, it is essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle. This includes regular exercise, eating a balanced diet, and sleeping well. It is also necessary to keep stress levels low and practice relaxation techniques such as yoga or meditation. It is also essential to talk to your doctor about any medications you are taking and to make sure they are not contributing to worsening symptoms.

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